Unbuttoned History

Take a hit of vicarious righteousness as you learn about the deeds of some of the bravest freedom fighters who ever lived and briefly imagine that you could be a sixteenth as awesome as they were before the bleak memory of your mediocre cowardice returns. This week we’re talking about the failed revolution at Harpers Ferry, Virginia.

Direct download: UHHarpersFerry.mp3
Category:Society & Culture -- posted at: 6:00pm EDT

Mike and Caleb have another two-hander as Blind Mike continues to save the lobsters. This week, we discuss all the times Native or Indigenous people were right and Europeans were wrong.

Direct download: UHNativeIToldYouSos.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00pm EDT

Caleb and Make have a short form two-hander about their favorite slave insurrection. Learn about how volcanic activity on the other side of a continent help cue an uprising, and how it's better to be in the slave rebellion than to stay out of it.

Direct download: UHFRTurnerRebellion.mp3
Category:Society & Culture -- posted at: 6:00pm EDT

Caleb and Mike do a two hander about the time a dictator and his shoe obsessed wife, were overthrown by the clever use of theme songs and road blocks. Also hear someone decide not to plunge their country into horrific sectarian civil war.

Direct download: UHPeoplePowerMovement.mp3
Category:Society & Culture -- posted at: 6:00pm EDT