Unbuttoned History

Haile Selassie: Great Leader, Strongman Dictator or Divine Manifestation on Earth?

Direct download: HLHaileSelassie.mp3
Category:Society & Culture -- posted at: 7:14pm EDT

A new series is introduced: Atrocity Deathmatch where two horrific nightmare events are compared, contrasted, evaluated and ranked. In our first edition Caleb decries Apartheid while Mike says Jim Crow is really bad.

Vote for which one you think is worse at facebook.com/historycmt

Direct download: HLAparteidJimCrow.mp3
Category:Society & Culture -- posted at: 2:44pm EDT

We ahve a full house today, as all four of your favorite pseudo-historians tell the tales of the four most despicable people in history.

Direct download: Traitors.mp3
Category:Society & Culture -- posted at: 7:14pm EDT

Caleb and the Mikes look into the Source Code of German Assholery.

Direct download: HLTeutonicKnights1.mp3
Category:Society & Culture -- posted at: 9:17pm EDT